Evaluation of the nutritional quality of selected dietary ingredients for mud crab Scylla serrata of Suarashtra region in Gujarat, India
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Mud crabs, or mangrove crabs, are one of the most valuable groups of crab species in the world. Several studies have been conducted to describe the nutrient requirements of mud crabs. Only preliminary studies have been conducted to define the nutritional ingredients requirements for growing out diets. Results of the analysis revealed the major components of seaweeds (Ulva reticulate and Sargassum cinctum) poultry waste, earth worms and fish meal with carbohydrate 57.18 % (Ulva reticulate) and 55.86 % (Sargassum cinctum), 31.07 %, 21.83 % and 2.89 %, followed by ash content of 21.3 % (U. reticulate) and 14.1 % (S. cinctum), 8.4 %, 12.0 % and 8.40 %, respectively. The crude protein component of fishmeal, soyabean meal, earthworms and seaweeds were obtained in little amount with 61.20 %, 48.3%, 36.2 % and 13.41 % (U. reticulate) and 10.67% (S. cinctum) and followed by crude lipid component of poultry waste 25.0%, seaweeds 13.41 % (U. reticulate) and 10.67 % (S. cinctum), earthworms 9.52% and fishmeal 9.20% respectively. These results of nutritional composition indicated that poultry waste, earthworms and seaweeds have potential as a source of feed supplement and human nutrition.
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Ingredient, Mud crab, Poultry waste, Sargassum cinctum and Ulva reticulate
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