
Mamta Pandey R. M. Saxena Preeti Handa


The study was conducted to collect and identify helminth parasites of Mastacembalus armatus and also to determine the prevalence intensity and abundance of parasitic infection. 118 M. armatus, obtained from different sampling stations of Yamuna river between March 2008 to February 2009 were examined for endoparasitic helminth infections. Of these only 31 fishes were found infected. Four helminth species including one nematode (Ascaridia ganpatii), two cestodes (Polyonchobothrium armatii, Senga nayari) and one trematode (Eucreadium pandeyi)
were found in host fish. The over all monthly infestation of prevalence (0.29), intensity (3.28) and abundance (1.13) were recorded. The maximum infection was recorded in middle size range while very small and larger fishes showed lesser susceptibility to helminth parasites.




Abundance, Biometic of fish, Helminth parasites, Intensity, Mastacembalus armatus, Prevalence

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Research Articles

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Demography of helminth parasites in relation to biometic characteristics of Mastacembalus armatus. (2012). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 4(1), 56-59. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v4i1.222