
Anjali Goel M.K. Bhardwaj Neetu Rani


The aim of present work was to extract a yellow colour dye from turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) and to use it in the coating of triphala guggle ayurvedic (abbreviated as TGA) tablets. For coating of the TGA tablets the work was completed into two parts- in the first part extraction of dye from turmeric rhizome was carried out and in the second part extracted dye was used to coat the TGA-tablets. The dye extract was used in two forms for dyeing the tablets - firstly as liquid turmeric dye extract (LTDE) and secondly as powdered turmeric dye extract (PTDE). The optimum extraction conditions were settled after studying the effect of solvent, stirring time and temperature on the extraction of dye. The solvents used are water, ethanol and water- ethanol mixture. It was observed that the optimum extraction conditions for turmeric dye extraction were 600c and 75 min stirring time with ethanol as solvent but from industrial point of view it is more economical to use ethanol–water (1:1) mixture for extraction. The extracted LTDE and PTDE were used to coat the TGA tablets. The results showed that the tablet coated with LTDE faded just in 30 days while PTDE coated tablets remained stable up to 40 days. Thus, present coating was suitable for coating the TGA tablets but the environmental factors like temperature and humidity influenced the stability of the coating a lot. The suitability of coating was studied by determining some physico- chemical parameters like average weight, diameter, thickness, friability, disintegration time and loss on drying of LTDE and PTDE coated tablets. The results were within the permissible limit of Indian Pharmacopea and other pharmacopeia. Therefore, coating of tablets with LTDE and PTDE both were found to be suitable for coating the TGA tablet.




Triphala guggle, Natural dye, Turmeric rhizome, Extraction

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Application of turmeric dye in the coating of Triphala guggle ayurvedic tablet. (2011). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 3(2), 307-311. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v3i2.204