
Mamata Ranot Rajesh Sharma


Pinus gerardiana (Chilgoza) is a small to medium sized evergreen tree yielding a highly valuable edible nut. The present investigations were undertaken to assess the different isozymes in Chilgoza pine. Seven isozymes viz., MDH (Malate dehydrogenase), GDH (Glutamate dehydrogenase), SKDH (Shikimic acid dehydrogenase), 6PGDH
(6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase), MNR (Menadione reductase), IDH (Isocitrate dehydrogenase) and ADH (Alcohol dehdrogenase) were studied. A total of sixteen gene loci were recorded for seven enzyme systems out of which 6 loci namely MDH- A, 6PGDH- A, SKDH- A, IDH- B, MNR- B and ADH- A were polymorphic whereas the
remaining ten gene loci i.e. MDH- B, MDH- C, MDH- D, GDH- A, 6PGDH- B, SKDH- B, IDH- A, MNR- A, MNR- B and ADH- B showed no variation. The percentage of polymorphic loci and average number of alleles per locus are one of the useful criterions for comparing species of populations for genetic diversity.




Pinus gerardiana, Isozymes, Alleles, Loci

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Study of different isozymes in Pinus gerardiana Wall. (2019). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 11(1), 116-120. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v11i1.1987