
Mohd Rashid Mohd Sagir Anoop Kumar Dobriyal


Study of morphometric characters is generally carried out for species identification in fish biology. It includes the measurements of all body lengths and their inter relationships in terms of ratios and percentages to the independent lengths (Total length, standard length and head length). Present paper deals with the analysis of various morphometric characters with species characteristics in Mastacembelus armatus (Lacepede),  which is one of the most important eel like hillstream fish belonging to order Mastacembeliformes and family Mastacembelidae from river Western Nayar (290 45 to 300 15 latitude and 780 34 to 790 12 longitude ). Total length, standard length and head lengths were considered as an independent variables in ratio of which other lengths (caudal length, pre orbital length, post orbital length, maximum body depth, snout length and eye diameter) were analysed. The maximum size of fish was observed as 60 cm and the minimum being 10 cm. By using regression and correlation analysis, the modelling of data is presented to find out their interrelationship. The closest correlation was in between total length and standard length (r= 0.999) and the farthest between total length and caudal length ( r= 0.878). The linearity of regression was tested by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) which showed that all the relationships were significant at the level of 5 % significance. The multivariate analysis was also done by using cluster technique which sowed except caudal length rest all characters were forming a close cluster.




ANOVA, Cluster analysis, Interrelationships, M. armatus, Morphometrics, Regression

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Research Articles

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Analysis and interdependence of morphometric characters in the Hill stream fish Mastacembelus armatus (Lacepede) from Garhwal Himalaya. (2019). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 11(1), 107-115. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v11i1.1981