
Rashmi Tripathi Sanjive Shukla U D Sharma


The present study was conducted on the experimental animals, Macrobrachium dayanum (Henderson) (Crustacea: Decapoda) to analyze the seasonal changes in reproductive cycle of female, found at different locations in river Gomti (26°55´; 80°59´ E), in and around Lucknow (U.P. India). The reproductive activities were found in cyclic manner in M.dayanum, which breeds continuously throughout the year but with two distinct peaks one major in the month of May-July and one minor in the month of January – Feburary. Five stages of Oogenesis i.e. proliferative, meiotic, previtellogenic, vitellogenic and resorbtion or atretic oocyte phase have been recorded in M. dayanum. Mature ova were noticed in two peaks i.e. major in month of July – August and September and minor in months of February and March. Histoarchitecture of hepatopancreas showed seasonal changes in accordance with the gonadal development. The reproductive cycle of M.dayanum is reported for the first time and very little work is known on the seasonal changes with respect to reproduction and its correlation with hepatopancreas.




Freshwater prawn, Hepatopancreas, M. dayanum, Ovary, Seasonal, Reproductive cycle

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Seasonal changes in reproductive cycle of female fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium dayanum (Henderson) from river Gomti, Lucknow (India). (2019). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 11(1), 149-154. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v11i1.1966