
Avinash Sharma Sheelawati Monlai Chowlani Manpoong Monoj Sutradhar Nirupa Kumari


The present review explains that renewable energy generates opportunity in field of agriculture. The renewable energy is solar energy, wind energy, water energy and biogas energy. This energy generates employment of manufacturing, design, construction, installation, operation, maintainance, supply chain, multitasking, research, development and administration. The solar industry employs 21,000 people in 2016-17 and 25,000 people in 2017-18. The solar manufacturing industries and solar products will produce various opportunities by 2022 in India. The wind energy provides 4,40,000 employments into onshore and offshore grid system in 2008. The wind mill industry will create 74,000 employments by 2020 in India. The water energy provides employment into hydro electric power station, manufacturing industry and others area. Biogas energy utilizes into motor vehicle as fuel. It saves petrol worth about 0.66 million per annum and also generate employment for 12 persons. The Biogas industry will set up 19 districts of the Maharashtra state to employment generation by 2020. Renewable energy protects the earth planet. It provides employment to rural as well as urban areas. It will improve standard of living and per capita income of people. It will introduce employment to poor and literate persons. It would advocate gender uniformity and doubling of farmer income. It will improve and strengthens Gross Domestic Product and Agriculture shares in India. This energy would encourage huge transition into future era in India.




Renewable energy, Employment, Doubling farmer income, Gender uniformity

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Renewable energy generating employment specially in Indian agriculture. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(4), 1303-1307. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i4.1940