
Dayadeep Kaur Grewal Kiran Bains Harpreet Kaur


One hundred and two volunteer male subjects (40-60 years) were divided on the basis of abdominal obesity into three groups - No abdominal obesity i.e. Grade 0 with waist circumference <94 cm; Abdominal obesity i.e. Grade I with waist circumference: 94.1 to 101.9 cm and Grade II with waist circumference: >102 cm. The daily consumption of protein per kg body weight of the subjects was 1.28, 1.21 and 1.06g, the protein intake of the subjects with Grade II AO was significantly (p?0.001) lower than the subjects with either no AO or Grade I AO. The carbohydrate: protein ratio varied between a narrow range of 3.48 to 3.69 among the three groups indicating high carbohydrate diets of all the subjects. Energy and fat intake of the subjects in all the groups was much higher than the recommended dietary allowances. The ratio of animal: plant protein intake was almost similar in the subjects with no AO or with Grade I and II AO, the ratio being 0.74, 0.81 and 0.89, respectively.  The micronutrient intake of the studied group was fairly adequate. Out of eight major vitamins, six were more than adequate (>100%) or marginally adequate (>75%), while the intake of minerals namely calcium, iron and zinc was adequate or nearly adequate among the subjects in the all the three groups, thereby indicating a good mineral and vitamin status of subjects in the present study.




Abdominal obesity, Carbohydrates, Males, Protein, Waist circumference

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Research Articles

How to Cite

A comparison of macro and micronutrient intake of adult men with different degrees of abdominal obesity. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(4), 1173-1179. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i4.1896