
Gurpreet Singh Bachhal Pardeep Kumar Chahal Pawan Kumar


The survey based study focused on adoption level of strawberry growers with respect to package of practices of strawberry was conducted in Hisar and Bhiwani districts of Haryana. The adoption level was measured by scores on the basis of adoption level. While analyzing, the magnitude of adoption level adopted by strawberry growers revealed that method of propagation and packaging (100%), timely irrigation (95.33%), proper time of planting (90%), varieties used for planting (86.67%) , proper planting depth (86%), mulching (85.33%) was adopted by majority of farmers whereas manures and fertilizers and diseases and their control(71.34%), intercultural operations (63.33%) and control measures for fruit drop (55.33%) were least adopted.




Adoption, Cultivation, Fertilizers, Manures, Runners

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Research Articles

How to Cite

A survey based study on the Farmers adoption level of Strawberry cultivation technology in Haryana, India. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(3), 986-989. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i3.1877