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Darsha S. Arivukarasu R. Jayashankar M. Mohammed Ali Saeed


The root nodule bacteria were isolated from three different leguminous plants belonging to the Fabaceae family such as Cajanus cajan, Lablab purpureus and Vigna unguiculata using YEMA medium and identified. The isolates were submitted to 16S rRNA and PCR–RFLP typing. A representative sample was further submitted to sequence analysis of 16S rRNA. Isolates were assigned to two genera and were related to Rhizobium spp. (75%) and Bacillus spp. (25%) respectively. This study opens the doors to researchers to do specific studies on this root nodule bacteria which are symbiotic with these legume plants in this area for their antibacterial activity, medicine and food application, and sustainable agriculture.  Rhizobium and other beneficial microbes may be used as biofertilizers as a substitute for chemical fertilizers.

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Fabaceae, Isolation, Leguminous, PCR-RFLP, Root nodule bacteria, 16S rRNA

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Research Articles

How to Cite

The Molecular identification of root nodule bacteria from edible crops of Fabaceae family, Kerala. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(3), 1063-1065.