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Aradhana Thakur Thakur Uttara Singh


The present study were carried out to assess the hygiene practices and food safety among street food vendors in the city of Chandigarh. It includes 100 samples of vendors.  Fifty vendors were mobile and other 50 was fixed vendors. A self planned questionnaire was used for data collection for the vendors. The questionnaire included questions about demographic information, hygiene practices and food safety. Thirty eight percent of vendors used stalls, but did not uphold their stalls well.  Eighty-three per cent of the vendors had thrown garbage in the open vessel and 14.0% used dustbin for dispose garbage. Personal hygiene was also observed which indicated that the vendors never wear the head covers, handled food with bare hand and they did not wear overcoats/aprons as well. Street food vendors were not aware of hygienic and sanitary practice.

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Chandigarh area, Food safety, Sanitation, Street food, Vendors

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Research Articles

How to Cite

A study on sanitation, hygiene practices and food safety knowledge among food vendors in different sectors of Chandigarh, India. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(3), 931-934.