Effect of processing on nutritional and antinutritional composition of bathua (Chenopodium album) leaves
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Bathua (Chenopodium album) leaves were undertaken for different processing techniques and analyzed for their nutritional and anti-nutritional composition. Effect of processing on nutrient retention was assessed to attain the best processed form of leaves with maximum amount of nutrients. It was observed that the Cabinet dried processing improved the protein, fibre and ash content of leaves by 29.30, 5.74 and 16.42 percent respectively. Shade and cabinet dried technique improved the vitamin C and ?-carotene by 34 and 14323 percent respectively. Maximum retention of calcium and iron was found in cabinet dried technique. It also improved magnesium by 254.50 percent. Amino acid retention was found maximum in cabinet dried technique. Cabinet dried technique improved In vitro protein digestibility by 27.75 percent with a decrease of 116.15 and 85.30 percent in phytates and oxalates respectively. Maximum retention of nutrients was observed in cabinet dried technique.
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Anti-nutrients, Bathua leaves, Nutritional composition, Nutrients, Processing
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