
S Sarvade R K Panse S K Rajak V B Upadhyay


In India, Madhya Pradesh is the third largest lac producing state after Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, as they contribute 12, 16 and 60%, respectively in total country’s lac production. Lac is produced in ten out of eleven agro-climatic zones of Madhya Pradesh. In total lac production of the state, Baisakhi (Butea monosperma, inoculated in October-November) crop contributes 76% followed by 19% by Katki (Butea monosperma, inoculated in June-July), 3% by Aghani (Schleichera oleosa, inoculated in June-July) and 2% by Jethwi (Schleichera oleosa, inoculated in January-February). Ranchi was leading lac producing district followed by Simdega, Gumla, Khunti of Jharkhand and Seoni district of Madhya Pradesh. Increasing summer temperature up to 45 ?C, the country’s lac production was declined from 20,050 tons in 2003-04 to 16978 tons in 2014-15. In case of biotic factors, Tachardiaephagus tachardiae and Tetrastichus purpureus are the most abundant lac associated parasites and Eublemma amabilis and Pseudohypatopa pulverea are the most destructive key predators of lac insects. By combating these hindrances, lac cultivation generated an employment for 16-160 man days. Lac cultivation produces maximum gross return (Rs. 9,77,600) from 100 Kusum host plants, and the highest Benefit-Cost (6.80) ratio was recorded for Ber-kusumi (Ziziphus mauritiana- Schleichera oleosa) crop in Ranchi, Jharkhand. In this context, the study finds out obstacles in lac production of India and suggests some control measures to improve lac producing peoples’ livelihood.  




Employment generation and income generation, Lac production, Laccifer lacca, parasites, predators

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Impact of biotic and abiotic factors on lac production and peoples’ livelihood improvement in India-An overview. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(3), 894-904. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i3.1761