Allelopathic effect of Dendrocalamus stocksii (Munro.) on growth and yield of ground nut (Arachis hypogaea)
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The present study was conducted to assess allelopathic effect of Dendrocalamus stocksii (Munro.) on the growth and yield of ground nut (Arachis hypogaea). Bamboo leaf leachate was prepared by soaking the dry leaves in tap water for 24 hours in a ratio of 1:10 w/v. Using prepared leachate as stock solution the leachate of various concentrations viz., control (0%), 25, 50 and 75 and 100 per cent were prepared by adding tap water accordingly. The results revealed the concentration-dependent significant (p=0.05) inhibitory effect of bamboo leaf leachates on the germination, radicle and plumule length of groundnut in laboratory condition. The leaf leachate of 100% concentration reduced down the germination percentage (56%), radicle length (3.00 cm) and plumule length (5.36 cm) as compared to control treatment where the germination percentage (86.66%), radicle length (5.02 cm) and plumule length (12.08 cm) were maximum. Similarly, the allelopathic effect of leaf leachate on transplanted seedlings of groundnut in prepared beds inside the poly house were significantly (p=0.05) inhibitory for the test seed weight and straw yield/ha. Minimum test seed weight (430.33 g) was recorded in the treatment of 25 % concentration as compared to control (601.33 g) and straw yield per hectare in the treatment of 100 % concentration (2421.1 kg/ha) as compared to control (4729.4 kg/ha). However, the non- significant effect of leaf leachate was observed on other yield parameters i.e., number of tillers per plant, number of pods / plant, test seed weight, seed yield per plant, number of seeds per pod and grain yield per ha. Finally, it is concluded that the harmful effect of leaf leachates of Dendrocalamus stocksii is more prominent in early stage of germination, emergence of radicle and plumule etc., rather than after transplanting; it is recommended to avoid the effect of these allelochemicals in early growth stage in field condition.
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Allelopathy, Dendrocalamus stocksii, Groundnut, Leaf- leachates, Yield
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