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Anshu Gupta Meena Bhandari


The review discusses the sources and concentrations of particulate matter in different microenvironments, their effect on human health, monitoring and their possible control measures particularly in office and residential buildings. Effect of various ventilation strategies on particulate concentration in air has been discussed. The calculations suggest that if the outdoor particle concentration is not more than 5-10 times the indoor particle generation rate, ventilation could be a very effective tool to control the indoor particle concentration. For coarse particles the choice of ventilation strategy is not very crucial, but for fine particulate slow rate of ventilation is more effective.

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Particulate matter, Indoor air, Air speed, Ventilation, Fine particle

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Monitoring and control of particulate matter in indoor air: A review. (2011). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 3(1), 139-150.