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Parag Mani Deka Krishna Kanta Tamuli Manas Pratim Dutta Bipul Phukan Sangipran Baishya


The experiment was carried out to study the effects of different doses of pig dung on the growth rate of Catlacatla during the summer season. Rate of application of pig dung doses were 10000 kgha-1 yr-1 ,15000 kgha-1 yr-1 , 20000 kgha-1 yr-1 and 25000 kgha-1 yr-1 . The experiment was carried out in a Completely Randomized Block Design. There were four replicates for each treatment where pig dung was applied at 10000 kgha-1 yr-1 (T1), 15000 kgha-1 yr-1 (T2), 20000 kgha-1 yr-1 (T3) and 25000 kgha-1 yr-1 (T4) and control. The control pond did not receive pig dung. After 10 days of application of pig dung, Catla was stocked at the rate of 8,000 nos./ha in the fish ponds. Sampling was done at 15 days interval to study the growth rate and health status of the fishes. At the end of 3 months period, the fishes were harvested, and the performance of growth, survival and total production was recorded viz. 72.92±6.41g.The results of the study clearly indicated that in the indirect integration system of pig-fish farming, where fresh pig dung contains 0.61% nitrogen, 0.50% phosphate-phosphorus (PO4-P), the dung load of 20000 kgha-1 yr-1 is optimum for satisfactory growth of catla, which yield an average production of 5354.00 kgha-1 yr-1 .

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Catlacatla, Completely Randomized Block Design, Growth, Pig dung

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effects of different doses of pig dung on the growth performance of Catla, Catlacatla (Hamilton, 1822). (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(1), 425-429.