
Mayanglambam Bilashini Devi N.K. Pathania Nisha Thakur


The present investigation involves 29 diverse bell pepper genotypes for variability studies and 14 promising lines (11 lines and 3 testers), 33 F1 and 1 standard check for combining ability studies. The objective of the study was to assess the nature and magnitude of genetic variability among the bell pepper genotypes for yield and other horticultural traits and to identify the potential parental lines and cross combinations suitable for the protected environment based on the estimation of general combining ability and specific combining ability. A wide range of variability was observed for most of the characters studied. The genotypes viz., Kashmir Sel-1 (L2), DARL-10 (L9) and UHFSP(Y)-11 (L11) for marketable fruit yield per plant and Kashmir Sel-1 (L2), UHFSP(Y)-11 (L11) and DARL-01 (L5) for earliness were good general combiners and these may be included for exploiting hybrid vigour or development of purelines. On the basis of specific combining ability effects and per se performance, the crosses viz., ARCH-19 (L1) × Solan Bharpur (T1), DARL-10 (L9) × California Wonder (T2) and UHFSP(Y)-11 (L11) × Yolo Wonder (T3) were the best cross combinations for marketable fruit yield per plant and number of marketable fruits per plant under protected environment. The cross combinations viz., DARL-10 (L9) × California Wonder (T2), DARL-01 (L5) × California Wonder (T2), LC (L10) × Solan Bharpur (T1) and Kandaghat Sel-9 (L7) × Solan Bharpur (T1) shows significant negative SCA for earliness and could be used for development of early hybrids.




Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum Sendt, Combining ability, Protected environmen, Mid Hill, Western Himalayas

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Estimation of genetic variability, GCA and SCA effects for development of early and high yielding bell pepper hybrids suitable for protected cultivation. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(1), 410-416. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i1.1639