
D. P. Sharma Niranjan Singh


Pruning of fruit trees is an important aspect for the improvement of fruit quality and to minimize the pests and disease attack. Pruning was performed in the month of December in seven year old unpruned trees of Punica granatum cv. Knadhdri Kabuli having many interfering branching and a heavy infestation of bacterial blight orchard. The pruning treatments viz., T1: Retention of 15cm fruiting shoot length, T2: Retention of 30cm fruiting shoot length, T3: Retention of 45cm fruiting shoot length, T4: Retention of 60cm fruiting shoot length and T5: control (No heading back and no thinning) plant. The results of the present investigation revealed that among different pruning treatment, the best results in terms of shoot extension (56.34 cm), fruit size (Diameter 9.66 cm and Length 9.65 cm, fruit weight (278.50 g), marketable yield (10.25 kg) and fruit qualities were in fruits from T1 and T2 where retention of 15cm fruiting shoot length respectively and retention of 30cm fruiting shoot length were maintained. However, maximum fruit set (54.73%) was recorded in control, and it decreased with increasing pruning intensity. The pruning treatments also proved beneficial in controlling bacterial blight on fruit (12.86%) and leaf surface (26.60%) to some extent.




Disease incidence, Fruit quality, Pomegranate, Pruning, Yield

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Research Articles

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Effect of rejuvenation pruning on the growth, productivity and disease incidence in declining trees of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cv. Kandhari Kabuli. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(1), 358-362. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i1.1630