
Amandeep Singh R. K. Jhorar Sanjay Kumar Narender Kumar


Performance evaluation of Border irrigation method was carried out for cotton field in village Kirarkot, Sirsa (Haryana). Water application, storage and distribution efficiency were estimated using measurements of soil moisture (%), infiltration rate (cm/hr), water advance and recession time (minute) during different irrigation events. The advance time increased during the growing season due to increased infiltration rate and increased resistance to flow by the growing crops. The water application efficiency of cotton field was 100 per cent as average applied depth (8.26 cm for canal irrigation and 9.06 cm for tubewell irrigation) of irrigation was less than the average required depth (10.30 cm for canal irrigation and 10.98 cm for tubewell irrigation) throughout the field plots. The observed water storage efficiency in different cotton fields varied from 72.92 - 90.08 per cent indicating under irrigation. Water distribution efficiency of cotton fields (97.8 -99.2per cent) indicated a relatively high degree of uniformity of water application. Stratified soil profile (sandy loam: 0-30 cm and sandy clay loam: 30-120 cm) of the selected fields reduced the infiltration rate to relatively very low value after 10-15 minutes creating favourable condition for uniformity of water application under border irrigation.




Border irrigation, Cotton, Storage efficiency, Water application efficiency

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Performance evaluation of Border irrigation method for cotton field. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(1), 222-229. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i1.1608