
Surobhi Deka


The paper aims at demonstrating the application of the Akaike information criterion to determine the order of two state Markov chain for studying the pattern of occurrence of wet and dry days during the rainy season (April to September) in North-East India. For each station, each day is classified as dry day if the amount of rainfall is less than 3 mm and wet day if the amount of rainfall is greater than or equal to 3 mm. We apply Markov chain of order up to three to the sequences of wet and dry days observed at seven distantly located stations in North East region of India. The Markov chain model of appropriate order for analyzing wet and dry days is determined. This is done using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) by checking the minimum of AIC estimate. Markov chain of order one is found to be superior to the majority of the stations in comparison to the other order Markov chains. More precisely, first order Markov chain model is an adequate model for the stations North Bank, Tocklai, Silcoorie, Mohanbari and Guwahati. Further, it is observed that second order and third order Markov chains are competing with first order in the stations Cherrapunji and Imphal, respectively. A fore-knowledge of rainfall pattern is of immense help not only to farmers, but also to the authorities concerned with planning of irrigation schemes. The outcomes are useful for taking decisions well in advance for transplanting of rice as well as for other input management and farm activities during different stages of the crop growing season.




Akaike Information Criterion, Markov chain, North East India, Rainfall

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Determination of the Order of a Markov Chain for Daily Rainfall Data of North East India: "Application AIC criterion". (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(1), 80-87. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i1.1583