
Y. M. Ramesha Manjunath Bhanuvally Ashok Kumar Gaddi


A large scale demonstration was taken on direct seeded rice in four locations (one at ARS, and three at Farmers field in 50 acres each) in and around the Agricultural Research Station, Dhadesugur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka. Our analysis showed that, the yield performance of direct seeded rice (DSR) varied with transplanted rice (TPR) and with different locations. This may be due to variety used and crop management practices adopted by the farmers. In L2, maximum grain yield was recorded in DSR (6500 kg/ha) and TPR (6200 kg/ ha) compared to other three locations. Further, the grain yield was higher in DSR compared to TPR in all the locations. Similarly, economics of DSR varied with TPR and with different locations. This may be due to yield variation at different locations. In L2, net returns and B:C ratio were higher in DSR (` 93628/ha and 3.93, respectively) and TPR (`79868/ ha and 3.0, respectively) compared to other three locations. Further, net returns and B:C ratio were higher in DSR compared to TPR. Further, 47% of the labour requirement was saved in DSR compared to TPR. Therefore, concluded that, farmers can grow rice by direct seeding instead of planting to save the labour and the expenditure.




Direct seeded rice, Grain yield, Labour, Net returns, Transplanted rice

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Performance of direct seeded rice in Tungabhadra command area of Karnataka. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(4), 2481-2484. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i4.1557