
Nabadeep Saikia Kapil Deb Nath


Several management approaches against red ant of potato Dorylus orientalis (Westwood) were studied at farmer’s field in Cachar district of Assam (India) during 2015-16 cropping season to find out the most effective man-agement technique. Combination of Malathion 5% dust @ 40 kg per hectare and Mustard Oil Cake (MOC) @ 150 kg per hectare reduced red ant damage significantly (p ? 0.05) followed by Dursben 20% EC @ 5 ml per litre and Car-bofuran 3G @ 25 kg per hectare. Malathion and MOC was applied at the time of first earthing up gave the lowest infestation of red ant (9.2%) and with (64.31%) infestation reduction over control closely followed by Dursban 20% EC (13.5%) and with (59.32%) infestation reduction over control. Highest infestation (47.6%) was recorded in the control untreated plot where; only chemical fertilizers were applied at recommended dose.




Chloropyrifos, Dorylusorientalis, Malathion, MOC, Potato, Red Ant

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Efficacy of various pesticides against Red ant (Dorylus orientalis, Westwood) of potato. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(4), 2350-2352. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i4.1536