
Arpana D. Vaja J. B. Patel R.N. Daki Shital A. Chauhan


The present investigation on effect of nitrogen [N0 (Control), N1 (50 kg N/ha), N2 (100 kg N/ha), and N3 (150 kg N/ ha)] and plant growth regulators [G0 (Control), G1 (50 ppm GA3), G2 (50 ppm NAA) and G3 (500 ppm Cycocel)] on seed yield per plant and seed quality parameters in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) cv. GJB 3 was carried out at the Instructional Farm, Department of Agronomy, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh during kharif 2015-16. The experiment was laid out in field as per randomized block design (Factorial) with three replications. The seed harvested from 16 different treatments combinations replicated thrice from the field were analyzed in the laboratory following completely randomized design (factorial) for various seed quality parameters. Application of nitrogen @ 150 kg N/ha recorded significantly (P<0.05) highest seed yield per plant, shoot fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and vigour index – 2 (mass), while application of 100 kg N/ha resulted in significantly (P<0.05) highest germination percentage, root length, shoot length, root fresh weight and vigour index – 1 (length). Application of GA3 at 50 ppm recorded significantly the highest seed yield per plant, germination percentage, root length, shoot length, root fresh weight, shoot fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, vigour index – 1 (length) and vigour index – 2 (mass). Among the 16 different treatment combinations, nitrogen @ 150 kg/ha and GA3 50 ppm noted the maximum seed yield per plant, shoot dry weight and vigour index – 2 (mass), while significantly the maxi-mum germination percentage, root length, shoot length, root fresh weight, shoot fresh weight and vigour index – 1 (length) were registered in treatment combination nitrogen 100 kg N/ha and GA3 @ 50 ppm. Therefore, it is advised that application of 100-150 kg of N/ha as a nitrogenous fertilizer and spray GA3 @ 50 ppm (G1) at 45 days after transplanting helps in increasing the seed yield per plant and seed quality parameters in brinjal seed production.




Brinjal, Nitrogen, Plant growth regulators, Seed yield, Quality parameters

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of nitrogen and plant growth regulators on seed yield per plant and seed quality parameters in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.). (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(4), 2338-2343. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i4.1534