
Suman Bala Jitender Kumar


Sapota fruits (Var. Cricket Ball) of three different ripening stages i.e. mature(? 13 kg/cm2), half ripe (6-7 kg/cm2), and full ripe (2-3 kg/cm2), were packed with newspaper soaked with 3 dosages (1000 ppm, 2000 ppm and 3000 ppm) of ethylene absorbent (KMnO4) along with control and stored at normal room temperature by packing in cardboard boxes. It was observed that specific gravity, ascorbic acid and total phenols decreased whereas cumulative loss in weight and malondialdehyde content increased with increasing period of storage. Fruits packed in different concentrations of KMnO4 soaked paper had less cumulative loss and retained more content of specific gravity, ascorbic acid and total phenols in all three stages. But less malondialdehyde content was observed. The effect of KMnO4 increased with increasing concentrations of KMnO4 in all three stages. As a result, more desirable content was noted in fruits packed with 3000 ppm concentration of KMnO4in mature fruits. This work relates to enhancement of shelf life of sapote so that it may be transported to far off places.




KMnO4, Ripening stages, Sapota, Specific gravity, Total phenols

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Studies on biochemical constituents of sapota (Manilkara zapota L.) at different stages of ripening during storage. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(4), 2255-2260. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i4.1520