
Ramandeep Kaur H. S. Grewal


The hardwood cuttings of Calliandra haematocephala, Cassia biflora, Pyrostegia venusta and Clerodendrum splendens were treated with different growth regulator concentrations and combinations (T1: NAA100 mg/l, T2: NAA 300 mg/l, T3: NAA 500 mg/l, T4: IBA100 mg/l, T5: IBA 300 mg/l, T6: IBA 500 mg/l, T7: NAA 100 mg/l + IBA 50 mg/l, T8: NAA 50 mg/l + IBA100 mg/l, T9: NAA 100 mg/l + IBA100 mg/l and T10: Control) for 12 h and planted either in polybags containing soil or in sand beds for callusing. The treatment of hardwood cuttings with T6: IBA (500 mg/l) for 12h resulted in the maximum (33.33%) mean per cent sprouting 60 days after direct planting in all the four genotypes. Among the genotypes, the per cent sprouting was significantly more in C haematocephala (47.33%), followed by P venusta (8.66%), C splendens (7.33%) and C biflora (7.33%), irrespective of the growth regulator treatment. The hard-wood cuttings, planted in the sand beds for callusing (2 weeks) exhibited the maximum (28.33%) mean per cent sprouting with T6: IBA (500 mg/l, 12h), 60 days after transplanting in the polybags in all the four genotypes. Among the geno-types, the per cent sprouting was significantly more in C haematocephala (48.67%), followed by P venusta (6.67%) and C splendens (2.67%), irrespective of the growth regulator treatment, however, the cuttings failed to exhibit sproutingin C biflora. The treatment of cutting with IBA 500 mg/l increase the sprouting percentage in C haematocephala, P venusta and C splendens which otherwise were difficult to propagate through cutting.




Calliandra haematocephala, Growth Regulators, Hardwood cutting, IBA, NAA

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of growth regulator treatment on bud sprouting of hardwood cutting in different ornametal plants. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(4), 2068-2072. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i4.1490