
Rajkishore Kumar J. M. Patel S. L. Pawar Narendra Singh R. G. Patil


An investigation was carried out to evaluate the soil-site suitability and land characterization in some banana growing soils of South Gujarat. The soil belongs to Vertisols, Inceptisols and Enitisols soil order. Banana growing soil (Pedon-1) of Narmada district have ochric epipedon whereas, pedon 2, 3, 4,5, 6 and 9 are placed in order Inceptisols owing to ochric epipedon followed by cambic horizon (changes in colour, structure and texture). The presence of smectite mineralogy class, hyperthermic soil moisture regime and more than 30 per cent clay (but less than 60 per cent), pedon 7 and 8 classified as Inceptisols. In respect of land characteristics, The cumulative rating index of Jhagadia (PN2), Bardoli (PN5) and Palsana (P6) coming under highly sustainable (S2). Whereas, rest of the pedon i.e., Narmada (P1), Bharuch (PN3), Kamrej (PN4) Navsari (PN7), Jalalpore (PN8) and Valsad (PN9) are sustainable under high input (S3). Considering the soil-site suitability criteria, Bharuch (PN3), Palsana (PN6) and Jalalpore (PN8) are identified as highly suitable talukas for banana cultivation. While the Narmada (PN1), Jhagadia (PN2), Kamrej (PN4), Bardoli (PN5), Navsari (PN7) and Valsad (PN9) were categorized in moderately suitable class (S2). The suitability class can be improved if the correctable limitations (soil fertility characteristics) are altered through soil amelioration measures.




Banana, Land characteristic’s, Soil order, Soil –site suitability

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Land characterization and soil-site suitability- evaluation of banana growing areas of South Gujarat, India. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(4), 1962-1969. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i4.1474