
Mehi Lal Saurabh Yadav Sanjeev Sharma B. P. Singh S. K. Kaushik


Late blight of potato is the major biotic constraint responsible for reduction in yield and quality of the pota-to crop. Globally, late blight is managed through application of multiple fungicidal chemical sprays affecting both human health and environment. Now a days, methods of biological control are gaining importance as these are non-toxic and also environment friendly. However, Phytophthora infestans multiplies very fast; therefore, biological con-trol method alone is not a viable option to manage late blight. Hence, integration of both methods is essential. Eleven treatments consisting of biocontrol agents and fungicides were evaluated against the late bight in three consecu-tive seasons (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14) at ICAR-CPRIC, Modipuram. Meerut. The results revealed that the treat-ments ( T1 to T10) are effective for managing the disease up to certain level; however, lowest average disease se-verity (27.89%) was recorded in treatment when Bacillus subtilis (B5-0.25%) + Trichoderma viride (TV-0.7%) was applied before disease appearance followed by cymoxanil8+mancozeb 64%WP (0.3%) at onset of late blight and one more spray of B5+ TV after seven days. The next best treatment was application of B5+ TV before appearance of disease followed by metalaxyl 8+mancozeb 64%WP (0.25%) at onset of late blight and one more spray of B5+ TV against control (average disease severity 91.94%) with higher yield also except the treatment of three spray of mancozeb 75% WP (0.2%). These treatments could be integrated in farmer practices.




Bacillus, Fungicides, Late blight, Potato, Trichoderma

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Integrated management of late blight of potato. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(3), 1821-1824. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i3.1445