
Prashant Bisen Amit Dadheech Namrata Namrata Avinash Kumar Gurudatt Solanki Tulsi Ram Dhakar


Forty-five single-cross hybrids developed (in rabi 2014) from ten inbred lines of quality protein maize through diallel mating design along with four checks viz., Pratap QPM Hybrid- 1, Vivek QPM- 9, HQPM- 1 and HQPM-5 were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications for yield and quality traits during kharif-2014, to estimate the gca (general combining ability) of the parents and sca (specific combining ability) of hybrids considered for the development of high yielding varieties. The analysis of variance for combining ability revealed significant mean sum of squares due to gca and sca for all the traits, except mean sum of square due to gca for num-ber of grain rows per ear. Ratio of ?2 sca / ? 2 gca was greater than one for all the traits, thereby indicating the preponderance of non-additive gene effects in the expression of these traits. Inbred line P8 and P5 has been found good general combiner with highest magnitude of gca effects 10.46 and 8.89, respectively and high per se i.e. 52.33 g and 44.67 g, respectively for grain yield per plant and majority of traits. Hybrids P6xP8, P5xP8, P3xP5, P5xP7 and P1xP8 showed higher significant positive sca effects ranged from 25.66 to 34.59 along with good per se ranged from 98.00 to 107.67 g for grain yield per plant. These hybrids also exhibited significant positive sca effects for most of the yield and quality traits under study, indicating potential and may be used for exploiting hybrid vigour in in QPM hybrid breeding programmes.




Quality protein maize, GCA, SCA, Grain yield, Lysine, Tryptophan

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Combining ability analysis for yield and quality traits in single cross hybrids of quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) using diallel mating design. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(3), 1760-1766. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i3.1435