
Sumita Chandel M. S. Hadda


Quantification of the surface runoff in a watershed is of vital importance for solution of many water resource problems. It can be quantified by employing large number of estimation approaches. Of these, SCS-CN approach is quite simple effective and requires less number of parameters. Thus, the objective of the study was to employ soil conservation service-curve number (SCS-CN) approach and their modifications to estimate surface runoff for Patiala-Ki-Rao watershed, district SAS, Nagar, Punjab and to choose the best model of the 8-different employed models. Soil moisture retention parameter was characterised and optimised by using the descriptive statistics and later used in the models. The mean and median valueof soil moisture retention parameter was 47.2 mm and 35.9 mm for June to September months and 35.4 to 30.8 mm for October to March months. The models were evaluated on the basis of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Nash- Scutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), Coefficient of Determination (R2) and Per cent Bias (PB). Of the evaluated and tested models, NRCS model (M5) performed best with the highest score of 32 and 31 by employing mean andmedian values of soil moisture retention parameter in Patiala-Ki-Rao watersheds over the other models. Further, the results of the study suggested in evaluating the performance of NRCS model (M5) in other treated micro-watersheds at Patiala-Ki-Rao, Punjab, over the control.




Model, Nash Scutclifee Efficiency, Punjab, Root mean square error, Watershed

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Quantification of surface runoff in Patiala-Ki-Rao watersheds using modified NRCS model: a case study. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(3), 1573-1581. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i3.1403