
K. R. Swamy D. Shivaprasad Shivaputra Bammanahalli Noorandappa Lamani H. Shivanna


Carbon sequestration has been suggested as a means to mitigate the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. As agrisilviculture systems is one of the better options for stocking of carbon in plants and in soil. In the present study, carbon sequestration was quantified both biomass as well as in soil of agrisilviculture sys-tem six different tree species were selected such as, Pongamia pinnata, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia auriculiformis, Tectona grandis, Casuarina equisitifolia, Azadirachta indica in shelterbelt of agroforestry system in arid region of Karnataka. Among six different tree species planted under shelterbelt, the growth performance with respect to gbh, height, clear bole height and basal area was highest in A. auriculiformis and A. indica. While maximum above ground biomass was observed in A. auriculiformis (59.75 t ha-1) followed by T.grandis (56.62 t ha-1), respectively. Whereas, below ground biomass was highest in T. grandis (20.25t ha-1) followed by A. auriculiformis (14.75t ha-1). Above ground carbon sequestration was highest in A. auriculiformis (13.30 t ha-1) followed by T. grandis (12.20 t ha-1), respectively. Whereas, below ground carbon sequestration was more in T. grandis (4.35 t ha-1) followed by A. auriculiformis (3.95 t ha-1). The Shelterbelt system sequestered 0.43 to 1.34% soil organic carbon stock in different depth. The carbon sequestered in different tree species was varying from 3.48 tons to 17.25 t ha-1.Growing tree crops in shelterbelts, bunds in the agroforestry systems will enhance accumulation of carbon stocking and provide additional benefits to the farmer’s income. It also regulates microclimate and increases the tree cover in agricultural field.




Agroforestry system, Biomass, Carbon sequestration, Shelter belt, Soil organic carbon

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Carbon storage potential of shelter belt agroforestry system in northern transitional zone of Karnataka, India. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(3), 1390-1396. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i3.1373