
R. Ranawat R. Srivastava


he present study was conducted in textile mill of Pali city with the objective to study the risk of cardiac and gastric problems in relation to shift work among male workers. The results showed significant difference between Body Mass Index (?2=14.2, p=0.0008) and waist hip ratio (?2=5.2, p=0.0226) of shift and non shift workers. Results on food intake showed comparatively more deficient daily intake of nutrients like fiber (7.21 g), ? carotene (1842.89 ?g), and folic acid (99.03 ?g) in shift workers with respect to recommended dietary allowances and an overconsumption of fats (37.72 g). Alcoholism (?2=17.3, p=0.0001) and smoking habit (?2=14, p=0.0029) was found to be significantly higher among shift workers. Comparatively higher segment of shift workers suffered from hypertension (56.0%), disturbed appetite (87.50%), stomach upsets (90.0%), nausea (88.50%), heartburn (85.0%) and breathlessness (34.0%). Shift workers also had higher mean levels of lipid profile fractions and relatively more subjects fell into the category of high risk (20.50%) of CVD. Longer duration of involvement in shift work also influenced the occurrence of gastric and cardiac problems like disturbed appetite (?2=9.96, p=0.0411), stomach upsets (?2=9.73, p=0.0452), stomach ache (?2=10.1, p=0.0389), constipation (?2=9.88, p=0.0424), dizziness (47.37%), breathlessness (50.0%) and swollen feet (44.74%). The study concludes that shift work affects food intake, BMI, WHR, BP, alcohol intake, smoking habits and lipid profile of the subjects, thus increasing the risk of health problems like cardiovascular and gastric diseases.




CVD, Food Intake, Gastric Problems, Lipid Profile, Shift Work

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Risk of cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal tract disorders in relation to the impact of shift work among male workers of textile mills in Pali district of Rajasthan, India. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(3), 1329-1337. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i3.1362