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Preeti Handa Kakkar R. M. Saxena Mamta Joshi


The fresh water fish Puntius ticto were exposed to lethal concentration of water soluble fraction (WSF) of petrol (5%-PF1, 10%-PF2, 15%-PF3, 20%-PF4 and 25%-PF5) for 96 hours. The exposure of WSF produced some conspicuous histopathological changes in liver. The swelling of hepatocytes, degeneration, necrosis, hemolysis, dilation, congestion and fibrosis in blood sinusoids were the prominent changes observed. The histological analysis showed increasing damages dose-dependents and time-dependents.

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Water soluble fraction, Petrol, Fish, Liver, Histopathology

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Histopathological analysis of liver in Puntius ticto exposed to water soluble fraction (WSF) of petrol. (2010). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2(2), 290-292.