
Bharathkumar M. V Sadashiva A. T Anjanappa M. Amarananjundeshwara Amarananjundeshwara


Nine parental lines and 18 hybrids derived by crossing them in Line × Tester fashion were screened against the early blight pathogen Alternaria solani along with a resistant, susceptible and a commercial check in the form of Arka Rakshak, IIHR2202 and Abhinava respectively. Parental lines and the resistant and susceptible checks were screened over two seasons and results obtained were almost similar with the line IIHR1816 exhibiting resistance with the disease severity of 25 % in both the trials, while the line IIHR977 was found to be resistant in the first season with PDI of 25 % and moderately resistant in the second season with the slightest increase in the disease severity up to 25.6 %. None of the hybrids were found to be resistant except, whereas about eight hybrids were found to be moderately resistant. IIHR2892 x IIHR2853 was found to be highly susceptible with severity of 68.75 %, which is on par with the susceptible check IIHR2202 (70.50 %). The results obtained from the detached leaf method of screening should be confirmed by the field or greenhouse screening methods before using them in further breeding programmes.




Early blight, Alternaria solani, Artificial/Detached leaf, Screening, Tomato

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Screening a set of tomato parental lines and their hybrids for resistance to early blight (Alternaria solani) by detached leaf method. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(3), 1305-1309. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i3.1358