Evaluation of some potential silkworm Bombyx mori L. genotypes during different seasons under temperate conditions
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In the present study twelve potential bivoltine silkworm Bombyx mori L. genotypes were evaluated for their performance at 25±1 0C temperature and 75±5 % relative humidity for twelve different traits during spring and summer seasons of 2012 and 2013, respectively. The data generated in respect of different traits was pooled separately, analyzed statistically and subjected to multiple trait evaluation indexes. The genotypes were ranked as per the cumulative score and the value of a particular trait in a particular genotype was compared with the ranking. Out of twelve genotypes, six genotypes viz., SKAU-R-1, SKAU-R-6, SKUAST-31, NB4D2, SH6 and SKUAST-28 were shortlisted for spring season and eight genotypes viz., SKAU-R-1, SKAU-R-6, NB4D2, SH6, SKUAST-31, CSR18, DUN6 and DUN22 for summer season. These genotypes scored higher E I values (>50) and were identified as promising genotypes hence recommended for rearing under temperate climatic conditions to push up silk productivity in the valley. Furthermore, the genotypes viz., SKAU-R-1, SKAU-R-6, SKUAST-31, NB4D2, SH6, and DUN6 performed significantly better irrespective of the seasons and scored higher E I. values (>50). Hence, these genotypes can be recommended for both seasons to boost bivoltine silk production in temperate region.
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Evaluation, Performance, Promising, Silkworm, Seasons, Trait
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