A review on bacterial stalk rot disease of maize caused by Dickeya zeae
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Bacterial stalk rot of maize caused by Dickeya zeae previously known as E. chrysanthemi pv. zeaehave economic importance of reduced crop yield up to 98.8%. The disease is more prevalent in rainy season in India. The bacterium prefers high temperature and moisture for their growth result is plant toppled down within week. The pathogen has wide host range (maize, rice, tomato, chilli and brinjal etc.) which help to pathogen for long survival in soil. The bacterium characterized by biochemical and molecular tactics. In present, Pel gene and rDNA specific primers are frequently used for D. zeae characterization. The pathogen significantly controls under in vitro and in vivo condition via bleaching powder (drenching of 100 ppm) and antibiotics. The present studies generated data on pathogen nomenclature, etiology, epidemiology, host range, pathogen survival, biochemical, physiological and molecular characterization, germplasm evaluation and disease management.
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Bacterial stalk rot, Crop yield, Disease, Dickeya zeae, Maize
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