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Anil Kumar Rohila Krishan Yadav B. S. Ghanghas


Information and communication technology (ICT) aids provide up-to-date information on the market prices of commodities, inputs and consumer trends which ultimately can improve a farmer's negotiating position and their livelihood. Major aspect of ICT is that accurate information should reach the farmers at the right time to make more sustainable use of on-farm resources. Now the question arises that how this information can be disseminated to such a diverse group of the farming community. ICT is going to play greater role in agricultural extension as well as private sector agribusiness, market information and market intelligence. Here this paper review the role of ICT not only in providing greater awareness and knowledge in agriculture technology and information but also in terms of farmer’s attitudes towards trying to adopt new technologies.

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Agricultural, Cyber, ICTs, Impact and extension

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Role of Information and communication technology (ICT) in agriculture and extension. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(2), 1097-1100.