Evaluation of thermotolerant rhizobacteria for multiple plant growth promoting traits from pigeonpea rhizosphere
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PGPR strains exhibiting optimum functional traits at high temperature and are compatible with Rhizobium can be used in pigeonpea as biofertilizer. A total of 45 rhizobacterial isolates were isolated from 13 different locations of pigeonpearhizospheric soil of Punjab. Out of the 45 isolates, 5 isolates selected on the basis of maximum growth at 30°C and 40°C were morphologically and biochemically characterized, belonging to genera Pseudomonas (P-6, P-9) and Bacillus (P-30, P-31, P-32). Selected isolates were further evaluated for the production of IAA, GA, SA and flavonoids. IAA production was estimated in the range from 0.45-25.13 ?g/ml and 4.62-34.34 ?g/ml in the presence of tryptophan at 30 and 40°C respectively. Maximum gibberellic acid production was recorded with P-30 (108.99 ?g/ml and 112.12 ?g/ml) at 30 and 40°C respectively. Similarly maximum salicylic acid was also estimated with P-30 (157.2 ?g/ml) followed by P-31 (141.0 ?g/ml) at 40°C. All the isolates were also found to produce flavonoids ranged from 2.98 - 4.40 ?g/ml at 40 °C. Isolates P-30, P-31 showed superior production of growth hormones and flavonoid-like compounds can further be tested under the field conditions to enhance growth and yield of pigeonpea.
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Pigeonpea, PGPR, Rhizobium, Rhizobacteria
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