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Diksha Dogra C. P. Awasthi


Buckwheat originated from China and being cultivated all over the world, and has become a prominent pseudocereal. Among the pseudocereals (amaranthus, buckwheat and quinoa), buckwheat plant is economically important primarily due to their carbohydrate and protein rich grains, short growth span; besides foliage being used as a green vegetable and commercial source of the glycoside rutin used in medicine. In the present study, an attempt was made to evaluate the biochemical constituents of nutritional and nutraceutical significance of fourteen promising leaves genotypes of common buckwheat grown in Sangla region by following standard procedures. Wide variations in moisture content, crude protein, fat, ash, crude fiber, carbohydrates, ascorbic acid, oxalate and in vitro protein digestibility were observed to range from 87.4 to 92.2 %, 22.4 to 30.4 %, 1.8 to 3.7 %, 10.6 to 15.4 %, 12.0 to 13.9 %, 34.8 to 42.4 %, 25.0 to 29.2 mg/100g, 1375 to 1390 mg/100g and 53.4 to 65.1 % in that order. The content of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and copper varied from 1767.5 to 2035.0 mg/100g, 808 to 910 mg/100g, 394 to 409 mg/100g, 232.0 to 248.2 mg/100g, 3.1 to 6.1 mg/100g, 20.4 to 29.8 mg/100g and 0.2 to 1.4 mg/100g respectively. Based on cumulative grading done in respect of nutritionally desirable quality i.e., protein, ash, crude fiber, carbohydrates, ascorbic acid, in vitro protein digestibility, calcium, phosphorus, iron and oxalate content, the genotype IC-323731 followed by Kullugangetri and VL-27 emerged out to be overall superior versatile cultivars for cultivation under dry temperate climate.

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Ascorbic acid, Buckwheat, Carbohydrates, Oxalates, Protein

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Biochemical composition of promising leaves genotypes of buckwheat grown in Himachal Pradesh. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(2), 875-878.