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Pradip C. Bhuyan Chandan Goswami Bipul Kr. Kakati Kaustubh Bhagawati


The study was conducted in Nagaon district under central Brahmaputra valley zone of Assam to find out the perceptual constraints of the fish farmers in adoption of composite carp culture practice. A representative sample of 60 fish farmers of the district was selected using random sampling. The levels of agreement of respondents in relation to 32 identified constraints in adoption of composite fish culture were determined using 5 point Likert scale. The mean value of degree of responsiveness to constraints was analyzed to find out the perception of the farmers and found lack of fish feed at cheaper rate (3.45) as major constraint followed by high initial cost of digging of ponds (3.28). Seven factors of constraints have been identified through factor analysis such as extension support system constraints, knowledge constraints, financial constraints,distribution constraints, infrastructural constraints, agro-climatic constraints and situational constraints. With the constraints as perceived by the farmers, some relevant strategies have been suggested such as integrated effort to provide better quality fish seed at proper time at pond site of farmers through judicious carp breeding and hatchery management and proper distribution system; strengthening research extension linkage; organizing need based short and long-term training programme and on farm demonstration programme on various aspects of fish culture practices both for farmers and extension workers; establishment of ‘One stop Aqua Shop’(OAS) as single outlet in strategic locations to make available all inputs required for fish culture; formation of fish producer’s consortium to provide a dependable market support and a suitable delivery system for providing inputs to the fish farmers in time and better provision of institutional credit.

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Central Brahmaputra valley zone, Composite fish culture, Perceived constraints, Strategies

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Constraints in adoption of composite carp culture in central Brahmaputra valley zone of Assam - a perceptual framework. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(2), 730-735.