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Dhara Singh Ashutosh Mishra Jitendra Singh Vikas Kumar Khattik Balram Meena


Study was undertaken to analyses the correlation co-efficient for twenty seven characters in twelve genotypes of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridusHort.) grown atthe Instructional Farm, Department of Floriculture & Landscaping, College of Horticulture & Forestry, Jhalarapatan, Jhalawar. Spike length had highly positive association with rachis length (rg:0.92, rp:0.88), floret diameter (rg:0.94, rp:0.0.74), spike diameter (rg:0.66, rp:0.50), duration of flowering (rg:0.71, rp:0.42), number of florets per spike (rg:0.89, rp:0.84), number of cormels per plant (rg:0.69, rp:0.65), diameter of corm (rg:0.48, rp:0.41), weight of corm (rg:0.44, rp:0.40), weight of cormels per plant (rg:0.20, rp:0.19), size index of corms (rg:0.41, rp:0.38), florets remaining open at a time in vase (rg:0.56, rp:0.33). At both genotypic and phenotypic levels it had negative correlation with number of spikes per plot (rg:-0.56, rp:-0.48), number of corms per plant (rg:-0.72, rp:-0.50), number of corms per plot (rg:-0.60, rp:-0.54) and florets remaining unopened (rg:-0.39, rp:-0.37). It was observed that for most of the characters genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than phenotypic correlation coefficients.

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Characters, Coefficient Analysis, Correlation, Genotypes, Gladiolus

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Correlation coefficient analysis in twelve gladiolus (Gladiolus hybrids Hort.) genotypes. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(2), 710-714.