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Ome Jopir B. K. Bera


The study on yield gap in pulses (Lentil) of West Bengal revealed that the technology gap is accounted to be 346.23 kg/ha and technology index and the index of realised potential yield are estimated to 22.56 and 77.44 %, respectively. The extension gap and the index of realized potential farm yield are 215.12 kg/ha and 81.9 %, respectively. Lentil cultivation generates a net return of ` 47083.07/ha from an investment of ` 29640.30/ha in experimental field whereas an expenditure accounting ` 23240.76 and ` 18559.71/ha are made in demonstration and actual farmer`s field to realize a net return of ` 36171.44 and ` 30096.79/ha. Although, the most viable alternative crop, rape and mustard has marginal advantage over lentil economically, considering the long term beneficial effects of pulses soil fertility, programmes need to be taken to motivate farmers to allocate more area to pulses. Low productivity and non-availability of quality occupy the first and second position with 82.73 and 71.25 % Garrett`s score constructed based on the perception of sample farmers. Development of improved seeds responsive to modern crop production technology is the most vital for long term solution of the present crisis in pulses, but for the time being, programmes for technology dissemination and adoption through various extension methods is necessary in bridging the extension gap to improve the pulses situation of West Bengal.

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Extension gap, Garrett score, Multiple regression and Technology gap

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Research Articles

How to Cite

A study on analysis of yield gap in pulses of Nadia district of West Bengal, India. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(2), 646-652.