Productivity, water use efficiency and economics of system of rice intensification (SRI) in Nichabanadhi sub basin of southern Tamil Nadu
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Four hundred and sixteen on-farm demonstrations on system of rice intensification (SRI) were carried out in 350 hectares of farmer’s fields in Sankarankovil, Vasudevanallur and Kuruvikulam blocks of Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu from 2008-09 to 2010-11 under Tamil Nadu – Irrigated Agriculture Modernization and Water Bodies Restoration and Management (TN-IAMWARM) project. Two methods viz., SRI and conventional were compared. The results revealed that the adoption of SRI favorable influenced yield attributes and yield of rice. The maximum grain yield (8222 kg ha-1) obtained from SRI which was higher than conventional method (6534 kg ha-1). Higher grain yield coupled with substantial water saving to the tune of 37.1 per cent resulted in higher water use efficiency of rice under SRI method. The best net income ( Rs. 50, 587) and benefit: cost ratio (3.64) were also associated with SRI than conventional method of rice cultivation. The cost of cultivation was comparatively lesser in SRI which re-sulted in gaining an additional income of Rs. 8080 ha-1 as compared to conventional method of rice cultivation. The system of rice intensification (SRI) proved its benefits in this basin.
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Conventional method, Economics, Grain yield, SRI, Water use efficiency, Yield attributes
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