
A. B. Mirgal Rajesh P. Gunaga C. B. Salunkhe


Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Lesch. is one of the species of ecological importance distributed in Western Ghats and other parts. This species is considered as one of the threatened species and it needs conservation. The information on fruit and seed trait variation and germination attributes are scanty. Such database is useful for afforestation programme as well as for augmentation of rare plant species in their natural habitat. For the present study, 10 open pollinated trees distributed in Devade forest of Sakharpa were marked. April month was the peak fruiting period and healthy fruits were collected from the ground. Fruit and seed traits were found to be varied significantly among trees, where fruit length ranged from 21.50 to 24.71 mm and fruit weight ranged from 3.64 to 4.07 g. Similarly, seeds length (14.01 -15.09 mm), seed thickness (12.15 -13.04 mm) and seed weight (1.20 – 1.57g) also showed significant variation among 10 trees. Field observation showed that there was a poor regeneration in this species at studied site. Therefore, germination study was conducted at nursery condition by imposing several pretreatments. Among eight treatments including control, soaking seeds in water for 24 hrs (T2) resulted in better germination of 38.0% as compared to others. In T2 seed germination started at 16 days after sowing and completed within 42 days. Potting mixture of red soil with saw dust in 30:70 ratio improved seed germination about 20 % as compared to red soil media.




Antiaris toxicaria, Conservation, Germination, Seed traits, Seedling vigour

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Seed traits, germination pattern and seedling vigour in Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Lesch., a rare plant species of Western ghats. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(3), 1710-1713. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i3.1027