
Gajendra Khidrapure S. N. Vasudevan S. R. Doddagoudar A. G. Sreenivas Satyanarayana Rao


The present study was conducted to know the storage potential of organically produced paddy seeds in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur. The seed lot were divided into two parts, one part was stored in cloth bag for a period of 12 months under ambient conditions. At the
same time another set of seeds were subjected to accelerated ageing at 42 + 10C temperature and 90 per cent relative humidity (RH) for a period of 0-12 days. Among the ageing methods, artificially aged seeds showed drastic decreases in seed quality as compared to natural ageing. Among the treatments T9 (37.5 % FYM + 37.5 % vermicompost + 25 % neem cake + foliar spray of panchagavya on 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAT) recorded significantly highest seed quality parameters viz., seed germination (97.81 %), seedling length (29.42 cm) and SVI (2878) at initial stage in both the method of aging and at the end of storage period; seed germination (71.23 and 87.33 %), seedling length (19.66 and 27.00 cm) and SVI (1400 and 2358) in accelerated ageing (AA) and natural ageing (NA) respectively, whereas, lowest in control (Inorganic treatment). The seed quality parameters of four days of AA were similar to that of six months of NA. Hence, storability of organically produced paddy seeds were better as compared to inorganic seeds and it can be predicted that four days of AA is equal to six months of NA. The information generated will be useful in retention or disposal of a particular variety or seed lot.




Accelerated ageing, Natural ageing, Paddy, Prediction, Storability

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Prediction of storability of organically produced paddy seeds through natural and accelerated ageing techniques. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(3), 1638-1642. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i3.1015