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S. C. Sati Maneesha D. Sati Amita Sharma


In present study two chemical constituents viz. Flavon 5,4’ dimethoxy 8 methyl 7-O- ? -D glucopyranoside-5’- ? -D-glucopyranoside and xanthone 3-acetoxy-1-hydroxy-6-methoxy8-O– ? –D-glucopyranosyl-(1 ? 3)- ? –L- rhamnopyranoside from the ethanolic extract of flowers of Bombex ceiba have been isolated and characterized.

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Flavone di-glucosid, Acetoxyxanthone, Bombex ceiba

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Isolation and characterization of flavone di-glucoside and acetoxyxanthone from the flowers of Bombex ceiba. (2011). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 3(1), 128-130.