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Kirti Jalgaonkar Manoj Kumar Mahawar Sakharam Kale Prerna Nath Kale Bhushan Bibwe Ajinath Dukare Pankaj Kannaujia Vijay Singh Meena


Dragon fruit based ready to serve drink (RTS) was formulated using dragon fruit (60-80% v/v), grape juice (0-10% v/v) and sugar syrup (2-6% v/v). The juice concentrations were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) following box-behnken design (BBD) for obtaining blended RTS drink with higher functional and nutritional characteristics like total soluble solid (TSS), titratable acidity, ascorbic acid content, total phenol content, colour and sensory evaluation. Results showed that there was significant (P<0.01) effect of incorporating grape juice and sugar syrup which further improved the organoleptic properties of the blended RTS.Optimum juice percentages obtained for the best blend formulation were,dragon fruit (70%), grape juice (5%) and sugar syrup (3%), respectively. The beverage was observed to be acceptable in terms of its nutritional value and overall acceptability.

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Blended RTS, Dragon fruit, Grape juice, Response surface methodology

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Response surface optimization for development of Dragon fruit based ready to serve drink. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(1), 272-278.