Correlation and path analysis studies in Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybrids Hort.)
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Correlation and path analysis were carried out in 12 varieties of gladiolus for different yield attributing traits at the Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yercaud. The results indicated that the Rachis length was positive and significantly correlated with mother corm weight (g), plant height at 60th days after planting (DAP) (cm), number of leaves per plant at 60th (DAP), length of spike (cm), weight of daughter corm (g) and vase life (days). But, it is negative and significantly correlated with number of days taken for first floret opening (rg: -0.714 & rp: -0.664), number of daughter corms per plant (rg: -0.826 & rp: -0.724) and marketable spikes per plant (rg: -0.561 & rp: -0.418) at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. For path analysis the residual effect was 0.174 and it was evident that the highest direct effect on length of rachis was observed in case of mother corm size (0.951) and weight of the daughter corm (0.943), followed by number of daughter corms per plant (0.859), number of florets per spike (0.849), length of first floret (0.832), marketable spikes per plant (0.385), number of leaves per plant at 60th DAP (0.384), diameter of first floret (0.374) and length of spike (0.221) under Shevaroys conditions
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Correlation and path analysis, Gladiolus, Shevaroys conditions and varieties
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