
Tanu Jain Shikha Bathla


The aim of the article was to review phytosterols as functional food and its significance in lowering cholesterol as well as its specific effect on human health. Phytosterols has been known for its cholesterol lowering action long time back but the uprising of phytosterols in form of functional foods gained the interest once again. Fatty food matrix provides optimal solubility but fortification of phytosterols with other food matrices like low fat fermented milk, bread, juice are showing positive results. A dose of 2 g/day of either steryl or stanyl esters has been prescribed for an optimum effect which has been confirmed by FDA and EC. A number of studies have documented the safety and the efficiency of phytosterols. But there is still a big question mark on the use of it because of their adverse effect on body in form of Phytosterol oxidation products (POPs). It needs further investigation to elucidate effect of POPs within body.




Cholesterol lowering agent, Phytostanols, Phytosterols, Sitosterolemia

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Plant sterols for human health- A review. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(2), 1081-1087. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i2.734