
Mamta Kajla Vinaya Kumar Yadav Jaswant Khokhar Samar Singh R. S. Chhokar Raj Pal Meena R. K. Sharma


About 9% of area on earth is under crops out of which 91% is under various stresses. On an average, about 50% yield losses are due to abiotic stresses mostly due to high temperature (20%), low temperature (7%), salinity (10%), drought (9%) and other abiotic stresses (4%). As there is no scope for increasing area under agriculture, the increased productivity from these stressed land is a must to meet the ever increasing demand. Further, the severity of abiotic stresses is likely to increase due to changing climate leading to adverse effect on crops. Therefore, abiotic stresses like drought, salinity, sodicity, acidity, water logging, heat, nutrient toxicities/ deficiencies etc need to be effectively addressed through adoption of management practices like tillage and planting options, residue management, sowing time, stress tolerant cultivars, irrigation scheduling and integrated nutrient management to conserve natural resources, mitigating their adverse effect and sustainable wheat production.




Abiotic stresses, Irrigation scheduling, Residue retention, Nutrient management, Tillage

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Increase in wheat production through management of abiotic stresses : A review. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(2), 1070-1080. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i2.733