
S. Rout S. Nayak


The present study on vegetative propagation of Karanja ( Pongamia pinnata L.Pierre ) through stem cuttings showed maximum sprouting (100%), rooting (90%), rooting length (28.33 cm), root number (24.66), fresh biomass (63.66 g), dry biomass (34.38 g) in semi hard wood cutting of 25 cm length treated with 1000 ppm IAA, hard wood cutting of 25 cm length treated with 800 ppm IBA, hard wood cuttings of 15 cm length treated with 1000 ppm IAA, hard wood cutting of 25 cm length treated with 2000 ppm IAA, semi hard wood cuttings of 25 cm length treated with 200 ppm IBA, and hard wood cutting of 25 cm length treated with 1000 ppm IAA, respectively. It showed that hard wood cuttings of 25 cm length treated with IBA promotes better sprouting, rooting percent, root number and biomass than IAA. For production of healthy seedlings the semi hard wood cutting of 25 cm length should be treated with 200 ppm IBA.




Cuttings, IAA, IBA, Pongamia pinnata

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Vegetative propagation of Karanja (Pongamia pinnata L. Pierre ) through stem cuttings. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(2), 844-850. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i2.694